Click on Utilities PANS OPS and select Holding Racetrack, you can select between 4 Holdings/Racetrack.
On conventional Point
On Navaid
On PBN Point
On Radials intersection
Click one and the WIZARD appears.
Wizard is very easy to fill in, just introduce the necessary data.
Select Holding or Racetrack
Select VOR or NDB
Select left or right
Fill in IAS in kt
Fill in altitude in ft
Fill in Limiting distance in NM:
if limiting distance is more than distance DME-PointHolding TO es draw
if limiting distance is less than distance DME-Point Holding Fromis draw.
MOC normal or mountainous.
WIZARD on Navaid
Wizard is very easy to fill in, just introduce the necessary data.
Select VOR or NDB
Select left or right
Select All entries or limited Sector
Select Holding or Racetrack
Fill in IAS in kt
Fill in altitude in ft
Fill in time in seconds (minimum 60 seconds)
Fill in altitude in ft of VOR/NDB if necessary or know.
CheckBox to draw template of the holding
MOC normal or mountainous.
Wizard is very easy to fill in, just introduce the necessary data.
Select left or right
Select All entries or limited Sector
Select Holding or Racetrack
Fill in IAS in kt
Fill in altitude in ft
Fill in XTT and ATT by default RNAV1 appears
Fill in time in seconds (minimum 60 seconds)
MOC normal or mountainous
WIZARD on Radials intersection
Wizard is very easy to fill in, just introduce the necessary data.
Select VOR or NDB that gives course
Select VOR or NDB that gives intersection
Select left or right
Select Holding or Racetrack
Select From or To
Fill in IAS in kt
Fill in altitude in ft
Fill in time in seconds (minimum 60 seconds)
MOC normal or mountainous.
If you click finish, the output tells you what you need to click to build the Holding you have selected.
On Navaid:
First click VOR/NDB and second click the Point on radial. Press Esc to Finish
First click DME, second click VOR/NDB and finally click on Point
On Point PBN:
First click Point and second click the Point on radial. Press Esc to Finish
On Radial intersection:
First click VOR/NDB on course, second click VOR/NDB intersection and finally the Point
You can see the main parameters of Holdings in the output for example in Holding on Navaid the next parameters are shown:
Altitude = = 6000 ft
IAS = = 250 kt
ISA = 15 ºC
Inclination = 25 º
V = 280.7749 kt
v = 0.0780 NM/s
R = 1.8138 º/s
r = 2.4637 NM
h (miles de pies) = 6 ft
w = 59.0000 kt
wprima = 0.0164 kt
E45 = 0.4066 NM
t = 60.0000 s
L = 4.6796 NM
ab = 0.3900 NM
ac = 0.8579 NM
gi1=gi3 = 4.2896 NM
gi2=gi4= = 6.3174 NM
XE = 13.9484 NM
YE = 7.1632 NM
If you select nominal track of Holding you can get the information about how that Holding was built with the parameter and data input.
Analysis Obstacle
Click on
Holding or Racetrack
and click next:
the obstacle data wizard appears, you have to load obstacle data and click Finish.
The output tell you select the basic area and rings with a red circle and evaluation stars.
In Racetracks the output tell you to select primary area and secondary area.
Analysis Obstacle
In this case we have load AIXM data from AIP Spain to analysis.
But remember you can load your own obstacles and DEM.
You get the critical obstacle with a red circle (in layer critical Obstacles) in the drawing and also get the main data in output.
Analysis Obstacle
Also you get in the file of the analysis of the first 5000 or 10000 critical obstacle.
Including OCA estimation.
As any area you can export that area to KML.
First select all the oas area
then Click
Convert to KML
And you get the KML in the folder of KML of the program
My Files / Documents / AirNavCAD / KML
VIDEO 7 Holdings