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idea key


This is the key of AirNavCAD analysis obstacle and give user the critical obstacle if exist and a list of critical obstacles a report is created.


Key: you can analyze your own areas created with other methods or programs  also of AirNavCAD areas, except VNAV or OAS (except if you use the plane as generic area).


User can analysis all pans ops areas and ols areas even other areas for other purposes.

Pan ops main areas


With this tool you can analyze:


  • Holding company

  • race track

  • circling

  • Star, Intermediate, Final, MSA leg.

  • Lnav/Vnav

  • oas

Tna, Tp and initial segment SID


With this tool you can analyze obstacle for SID.


The output tell user what is necessary to start analysis:


THR Point

DER Point

KK Line

Start Turn Area






Tna, Tp and initial segment Missed Approach


With this tool you can analyze obstacle for Missed Approach.


The output tell user what is necessary to start analysis:


THR Point

SOC Point

KK Line

Start Turn Area

Generic area


Generic Area


Is an area that accomplishes the equation: Ax+By+C=Z


It useful to analyse:

  • OLSs

  • VSS

  • 15% plan

  • etc




conical area


For Conical OLS or another Areas as Radiolectric you can use this tool to analyze obstacles in this area.

What analyze?


User can analysis:

  • User obstacle load on workspace.

  • DEM (Digital elevation model)

    • type asc.

  • File with obstacles in format:

    • name x(utm) y(utm) z 

    • x(utm) y(utm) z


Also you can add horizontal offset for user obstacles.


User can get 5000 or 10000 critical obstacles if necessary in Geo or UTM.

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